Monday, August 29, 2005

Pooh on Reformed Theology

You may have heard of the "Tao of Pooh." Well...I am working on "Pooh on Reformed Theology."

Here is a brief outline:

Chapter I: Tigger - An Over-Realized Eschatology - The Rise Of The Mega-Church

Chapter II: Eeyore - An Under-Realized Eschatology -- Trying To "Hold On" Until The Rapture.

Chapter III: Piglet - Struggling With Believing The Promises Of God...I Need To Hear The Gospel!

Chapter IV: Rabbit - A Legalist At Heart - Salvation Through Keeping The "Blue Laws."

Chapter V: Pooh - Becoming Comfortable With Sin? Why A Believer Should Mourn Over His Addiction To Honey.

Chapter VI: Owl - Wisdom Literature and How To Make Strong Elders.

Chapter VII: Kanga And Roo - The Widow And Orphan --Where Is The Diaconate?

Chapter VIII: Christopher Robin - Christ Like Typology (Albeit VeryLose).

Chapter IX: Gopher -- Modern Evangelicalism - Anti-Intellectualism and the Rise Of Sentimentalism, Moralism, and Practicalism.

Chapter X: Heffalump - Shadowy Figures and The Order Of Melchizedek.

P.S. This is what happens when the only two (2) genres of literature you read are reformed theology and children's books.