Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Willimon on Worship

Below is a link to an article by William H. Willimon which I thought was excellent.

"It's Hard to be Seeker-Sensitive When you Work for Jesus"

P.S. Please don't tell anyone I am citing to a Methodist, but Willimon is in his own category. :)


Friday, June 08, 2007

We Have the Whole World in Our Hands?

I am certainly not one for trashing the environment. In fact, we have been charged with its care. However, Senator Dodd’s ad is poor form if you ask me. He should have picked another song to make his point.

Called to Communion

Our oldest daughter, Hannah Grace, who is six (6), has been asking a lot of questions about Communion the past few months. When I asked her why she wanted to take Communion she said she wanted to think about it. A little later, she came back to me and announced that she felt she was being "called to take Communion." At first, I thought she had just picked-up on some Christian cliché. However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought that was actually a great answer! Just as I sometimes call my children to the dinner table, does not our Heavenly Father call His children to His table? Is it not a great blessing to be invited to this heavenly feast we call Communion? Yes, Hannah Grace, we are called to the table.
