Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Cart Before the Horse

As Michael Horton has pointed out in a number of his works, a recurring theme in scripture is that the indicative precedes the imperative. That is, the promises of God precede his commands. Geerhardus Vos's exegesis of the patriarchs is illustrative of this point.
"God does not begin with working upon the inward psychical states of the patriarchs, as though they were subjects of reform -- an unbiblical attitude which is, unfortunately, characteristic of too much of modern religion. He begins with giving them promises. The keynote is not what Abraham has to do for God, but what God will do for Abraham. Then, in response to this, the subjective frame of mind that changes the inner and outer life is cultivated." [emphasis added] Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology, The Banner of Truth Trust, p. 80.

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