Friday, July 14, 2006

The Gospel at Dairy Queen

. . .Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9. (ESV)

I have found that the Gospel goes well with cheeseburgers and fries. Recently, on a return trip from vacation, my family stopped a Dairy Queen for supper. It is interesting how the Holy Spirit prompts little hearts to ask deep eschatological questions that are difficult for adults to answer. One of those is, "What is the Gospel?" How do you explain it to a three (3) year old or a thirty (30) year old for that matter? I have taught my girls that the Gospel is simply this, "Jesus will make sure you are at the party." They seem to understand it quickly. They love parties! I want to remind them in the same sentence that it is Christ's work, not their merit, that will get them there. I want to emphasize the promises of God, if you will. Now, they ask me all the time, "What will the party be like?" and "Who will be at the party?" I even overheard my oldest daughter, who was five (5) at the time, ask her cousin, who was her same age, "Do you love Jesus?" He responded, "Yes." My daughter replied, "Then you will be at the party!" I think she gets it.

How do you explain the Gospel to your little ones? How do you explain it to yourself?

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