Friday, September 07, 2007

If its too loud. . .

I have been told that when Gustav Mahler wrote his Resurrection symphony in the final movement he stated that the human voice was the only instrument that could fully express the resurrection. Accordingly, he added a choir at the end of the symphony.

Although I think there can be appropriate times for instrumentals in worship, I would suggest that the primary and regular use of instruments should be to aid in congregational singing. I have found in both contemporary and traditional music genres that the musicians sometimes overwhelm the congregations to the point at which the human voice can be barely heard over the instruments. Have you ever heard a pipe organ really cranked up - wow! The result is often a disengagement of the people in worship. The congregation moves from participant to spectator.

If our Lord is a speaking God, unlike the mute idols, should we not respond in kind with our voices praising Him?

P.S. Even if we are a little out of tune. :)



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